From Warehouses to Production Lines

The Fab-to-Fab Tooling Recirculation Revolution

From Warehouses to Production Lines
May 2024
Núria Gómez

In the semiconductor industry today, the practice of ‘Fab-to-Fab Recirculation of Tooling’ is gaining traction as a potential solution to some of the sector’s most pressing challenges. This innovative approach seeks to optimise resource utilisation, reduce costs, and minimise environmental impact. It involves the recirculation of production tools, which are often retired before their end of life and left idling in warehouses.

The article highlights the challenges faced by the industry due to rigid supply chains, high-capacity costs, and evolving geopolitical tides that shape global trade. It underscores the ripple effects of disruptions to global chip production, which can lead to significant downstream supply chain disruptions. It further explores the potential of the secondary market for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. It suggests that a secure, efficient way of transacting fab-to-fab could unlock significant supply and demand. This resonates with our ethos at Savantech, where we continually strive to maximise the productivity and flexibility of existing manufacturing facilities.

At Savantech Ltd., we understand the complexities of the semiconductor manufacturing industry. We have integrated to a very wide set of semi equipment over the years, and are experienced in helping new owners bring second-hand kit into their facilities and integrating them with their existing software landscape. SECS integration capability is an ‘extra’ that is often forgotten when acquiring second-hand kit, and the difficulties of securing this optional upgrade for older tools can be a make-or-break decision for potential buyers.

This article is of interest to anyone involved in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. It provides valuable insights into how Fab-to-Fab Recirculation of Tooling can enhance productivity, reduce costs, and contribute to a more sustainable industry. So why wait? Dive into the full article and discover how this innovative approach could revolutionise your manufacturing process.

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