CoreTegral Real World Performance

CoreTegral Real World Performance
September 2012
Andrew Weatherhead

The CoreTegral template semiconductor automation solution uses an SQL Server database. This is unusual for an equipment automation solution and it provides many advantages. Does that make it cumbersome and slow though?

It was a significant design decision with CoreTegral to have the key semiconductor automation components use an SQL Database. The advantages in terms of data management and persistency were clear, but would it make the solutions too big and slow to do their job effectively?

A services project to automate a manufacturing production line for packaging discrete devices provided the answer. This used an SQL Server database to manage the exact location and associated data for every device in the line (hundreds of devices) as they moved continuously through it. At the same time camera based recognition of defects and control of the routing of defects for binning was managed. Using the database ensured that the system could be restarted at exactly the same place after a powerdown without any loss of data. At no time was the perfomance of the database an issue. Having seen how beneficial and yet lightweight a full SQL Server database could be in this project made the CoreTegral design decision easy.

The attached document details a 'real world' test scenatio that was created to determine typical performance of a CoreTegral solution based on the standard template when faced with large amounts of SECS traffic. The solution was deliberately not optimised in order to get a feel for the basic out-of-the-box perfomance.

The results show that SQL Server and the .Net environment used to create CoreTegral are more than up to the task.

CoreTegral Performance Analysis (734 KB PDF Document)

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